Troparia for use in Hilandar's main church. On leaf I, a colophon with title and content list of troparia and kontakia for Hilandar catholikon church typikon. Includes headings; vespers; Greater Compline; petitionary service; matins; Easter troparia; dismissal troparia and kontakia of triod and Pentecostal cycle; troparia and kontakia for the Pentecostal cycle; troparia according to the calendar of saints; dismissal theotokarion; paremia troparia for Christmas and Theophany. On leaves 220b-221a, troparia and kontakia for venerable Church Fathers, with note on the bottom: "October 1811, the work was translated from Greek to Slavonic." Colophon on leaf Ia-Ib, mentions that the manuscript was blessed by archimandrite Isaii in 7328 (May 8, 1820), noted down by Spiridon the sinful. Original foliation. Primitive folk ornamentation on leaf Ib.